What should you expect during the remodeling period?

Prepare yourself. Knowing what lies ahead during major renovations will sooth your nerves and relieve you during your remodeling journey.

For those of you who have never experienced a remodel, room addition or a big construction project before, it’s okay to feel a bit excited and nervous at the same time! How much will it cost? How long will it take? Between the large expense and the excitement of anticipating your finished remodel, it’s hard not to feel a little apprehensive. Knowing what to expect can help diminish your fears and better prepare you for the upcoming adventure.

Sierra Remodeling is here to calmly walk you through the entire process and, we want you to know up-front what to expect, including surprises, during the entire process!

Your List of Expectations

We have developed a formal List of Expectations that we drill into everyone’s head here at Sierra Remodeling. We emphasize our high standards within this list to our staff at every opportunity and, you may download the document for your reference purposes. We hang our List of Expectations on every job-site to constantly remind our field tradesmen every day. It’s important to us!

Know your List of Expectations

1. Cost Discipline

I expect to understand the accurate cost for the project at contract signing. I also understand my change orders will alter the cost of the project upon completion.

2. To Be Heard!

I expect my visions to be understood by Sierra Remodeling and reflected in the design process. I also expect the completed remodel or custom home to resemble the plans I was given at contract signing.

3. Time Commitments

I expect my project to be completed as advertised by Sierra Remodeling. I understand the completion date will shift should there be: delays in materials; unforeseen repairs discovered; or change orders submitted by me.

4. Industry Standards

I expect all work to be designed and completed in accordance with industry standards and city and county codes. I understand that Sierra Remodeling will execute professional repairs and renovations including proper planning and construction.

5. Quality

I expect quality products and materials as well as craftsmanship.

6. Respect

I expect my home to be treated with the utmost care and cleanliness during construction. I expect to be informed daily of who will be in my home and their expected arrival/departure times. I understand Sierra Remodeling will keep my family, my pets and my home safe and secure during the project.

7. Proper Execution

I expect my remodeling or home building to be executed with precision and without unnecessary interruptions from beginning to end.

8. Honest Practices

I expect Sierra Remodeling to conduct honest business practices. I understand the contractor will recommend sound and economical problem resolutions during the on-site construction.

9. Cleanliness

I expect the contractor to keep my home reasonably clean during the entire remodeling project. I understand that fine dust lands everywhere and, I will cover my possessions and vacuum daily to minimize the mess.

10. Order

I expect my home, furnishings and fixtures to be kept in an orderly, safe and secure manner. I understand incoming materials and chemicals will be properly stacked and stored and, any spills will be immediately cleaned up.

We do everything we can to minimize disruption in your home and your life

The reality of home remodeling and custom home building are the inconveniences brought about during this huge undertaking. It’s a dusty, noisy and hectic journey that quickly begins; never seems to end; and then all of a sudden, is done. You will experience remodeling fatigue and then remodeling joy! In order to not sugar coat the process and, to fully prepare you for our on-site visit, we list the inconveniences you may experience during this exciting time.

It’s our job to make these annoyances less painful and, lend you a guiding hand while making a complicated process look easy. Please read our Clients Comments and, be assured, we are pretty darn good at this!


At Sierra Remodeling we do our best to contain the dust and mess while working at your home. For some projects this is easier than others. Single room projects such as bathrooms and kitchens are fairly easy to contain. When your project involves just one room, we can close the door, seal off the vents and 90% of the mess will stay in that room.

For larger projects or for rooms that are open to larger areas of your home, we will often build temporary walls around these areas to control the mess. An added benefit of these walls is that they also help to keep pets and children from dangerous conditions.

During especially messy parts of your project we will shut off your furnace or air conditioner to keep dust from traveling throughout your home. Rest assured we will do our best to minimize the dust on your project.

Tip: To prevent damage to your furniture and reduce your cleaning, place throw sheets over everything closest to the remodel zone. Vacuuming every evening will go a long way towards keeping fine dust from being tracked throughout your home.


Yes, there will be a lot of noise usually throughout the workday except during lunch periods. Typically there will be several tradesmen on-site at all times and, they will be performing lots of hard work. As required they are sawing, nailing, sanding, banging and operating power tools and bellowing compressors; all of which save an incredible amount of time but are very noisy.

Tip: Remodeling involves destruction and construction and both, by their very nature, will not allow you much peace or quiet. Should you be present on-site during the project, we recommend hearing protection when needed.

Glorious wins

We’ve seen a thing or two! Generally, our customers express unforeseen elation at unbelievable times. Perhaps its a latch that’s been broken for 20 years; a door that has creaked a hundred times each day; or a suffocating wall that has been torn down. Others still may feel jubilation only when the painting begins or when they can relax upon completion of their remodeling journey.

Tip: We simply call it, “Sierra Remodeling joy!”

Remodeling fatigue

“It has got to get ugly before it gets pretty!” The destruction and reconstruction process can wear down even the most patient of clients. Perhaps you just want it to be done, finished and over; or you are tired of making so many decisions. Or you are just plain worn out by all the commotion, foot traffic and hectic work enveloping your once quiet home.

Tip: Stay the course — remodeling fatigue will be short lived especially when you get to move back into your lovely, brand new remodeled room!

Surprise, surprise!

If you expect anything, expect surprises. Lead paint, asbestos, mold, framing that isn’t square or rotten, termites, leaks, unsafe jerry-rigged electrical wiring, galvanized plumbing that crumbles in your hand, pipes and ducting where they shouldn’t be and plenty more unexpected annoyances may raise up and yell, “Fix me!”

No, you won’t be laughing, and neither will we. But, be prepared budget-wise and time-wise for unforeseen problems since they will always happen! Especially if you have an older home that was built long ago when there was only one county home inspector who often was not available!

Tip: Be well prepared for these surprises. Having cash on hand that’s a bare minimum of 10 percent above contract for contingencies will help alleviate your stress. Budget an additional 20 percent if you want to worry less.

Change orders

A change order is created when you want something added or changed during the on-site remodeling. A change order is also required when an unknown issue is discovered and, it requires additional time and materials to resolve. The change is recorded on a change order along with any additional or reduced costs. By carefully planning your remodel up-front before work begins and a contract is signed; change orders can be kept to a minimum. Realize the average change to a kitchen is about $1500 due to increased costs for time and materials.

You decide that you want that premium dishwasher after all! Or, an “ah ha!” moment occurs and, you must have that wall removed. Or, termites have been eating a load bearing support beam – ouch! Yes, all of these are examples that will require a change order.


Wildfires threaten Sierra Vista, tradesmen get sick, trucks break down and sometimes sinks ordered from the factory take eight weeks instead of five to arrive. However, when Sierra Remodeling schedules your project, we anticipate extra time will be needed for each remodeling job. We realize the world is not a perfect place. However, we are very good at minimizing disruptions and, we appreciate it when our clients are resilient when schedules shifts a bit.


Where should that outlet be? How high do you want the showerhead? Where do you want the cabinet hardware mounted? Oil-rubbed bronze or chrome or brushed nickel or satin nickel? Is your head spinning yet? Count on hundreds of questions that you’ll need to answer as your project proceeds, or select your Sierra Remodeling architect or designer as your proxy. Just know that your selection of a contractor is the first of many you will make.

Tip: Confidence and decisiveness are key.


At the end of your remodel, expect one or two to-do list items that will take longer to resolve than anything else. It may be that special light fixture that arrives broken or the very last two missing pieces of kitchen cabinet hardware. Rest assured Sierra Remodeling will ensure all final details are completed as soon as humanly possible and that you are 100% satisfied.

A party!

Expect that you will want to show off your newly remodeled kitchen, man cave or room addition. We have had clients throw parties and invite their friends along with us. It’s gratifying for everyone to see a beautifully finished home filled with people enjoying themselves.

Tip: Sierra Remodeling loves building our communities one home at a time!

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Sierra Remodeling was wonderful! My home needed repairs to doors, wall cracks and paint from foundation settling. They responded quickly, set a date to estimate and were on time. Everyone worked clean and efficiently. Now my home is beautiful once again! Thank you!!
Coffee M.
Love this place and the people who work there. Nothing but great experiences
Kevin A.
Matt did a great job! Took time to make sure all was done correctly.
Kay K.